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SubjectSocket destroy delayed (1.3.88)

I just installed 1.3.88 last night (previous version was 1.3.73),
and now I'm seeing some messages that say:

Socket destroy delayed (r=0 w=252)

I've gotten 12 of them so far, spread out over the past 12 hours
or so.

I had never noticed these before, but it seems that I did have
four of them one day (with 1.3.73), and they coincided with my
reconfiguration of named. ... interesting ...

<sherlock mode>

Now I find, in looking at my logs, that these errors seem to
happen mostly either right after a named "Connection refused"
message, e.g.:

Apr 13 22:52:31 luna named[50]: recvfrom: Connection refused
Apr 13 22:52:36 luna kernel: Socket destroy delayed (r=0 w=252)

... or a after an ftp disconnection. The ftp connection is
harder to validate, and may not in fact be related at all. It's
just the only other thing I could find that was going on.

I'm don't feel confident enough with my knowledge of the issues
involved to go debugging this stuff yet, but I did grep around a
bit and found this little comment in af_inet.c:

/* this should never happen. */
/* actually it can if an ack has just been sent. */
printk("Socket destroy delayed (r=%d w=%d)\n",
sk->rmem_alloc, sk->wmem_alloc);

<!-- I've always enjoyed "can't happen" bugs. ;^) -->

Anyway, it would appear to be about the infamous "ack" problem,
(judging from the comment only).

</sherlock mode>

I do have a moderately busy web site on this machine. I'm running
IP Aliasing, ksmbfs, and samba. The machine is a Pentium 100, with
16Mb ram, an IDE 1.2Gb, and a 3c509C.

I'm running Apache 1.0.0, wu-ftp 2.4, named 4.9.3-BETA9.

Hope this helps,


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| Author of The CGI Book --

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