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Subjectrandom errors NFSROOT mount
Hello everyone,

I am trying to setup a PC as a diskless Linux machine, by booting a kernel
with NFSROOT enabled from floppy. I have configured the IP addresses with
Linux command line parameter NFSADDRS, and the root directory that should
be mounted with NFSROOT. This directory resides on an HP-UX box (HP-UX dutettf
A.09.01 A 9000/710), and the Linux kernel that is being booted is 1.3.71.

Now this has worked a number of times, but more often not, and whether it works
or not seems not to be deterministic, at least on the face of it.
The error occuring is the server returning 'access denied' for the root
directory that is to be mounted. When I try to mount the same directory on the
same server from the same PC, but with PC-NFS under DOS, it works all the time.
This puzzles me.

It seems that in the mountd server log on the HP, some of the times that access
was denied, the name of the directory that had to be mounted is logged _with an
appended LF character_. But not every time. So possibly some mount-point-name
mangling is happening somewhere along the way???

If anyone recognises what I am talking about, or has an idea of what is wrong,
or has a suggestion as to what I could try, please drop me a line.

Leo Spiekman PGP public key available on request
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