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SubjectRe: RMS
In article <> you write:
|RMS had FSF sponsor a member of the Debian development team for about 6
|months. I found (and still find) that his decisions were consistently meant
|to further rather grandiose goals of FSF rather than the goals we had set
|for Debian. For this reason, we declined to continue the relationship.
|I agree that he's done good things for free software, and will probably do
|more. However, in your dealings with him you must remain aware that whatever
|he says or does is meant to further his own agenda, which probably isn't the
|same as yours. He is not there to help your free software project - he's there
|to build the GNU system according to his own plans.

Yes, unfortunately this is exactly the same reaction I've consistently
had when attempting to deal with RMS as concerns Emacs/XEmacs. This is in
fact the entire reason that Lucid Emacs was created in the first place,
and continues to be the main reason that it exists as XEmacs today.

It becomes much worse if there is a large corporation involved, due to
RMS's extreme antipathy towards corporations.

"... then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was
more painful than the risk it took to blossom." -- Anais Nin

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