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SubjectRe: RMS
>>>>> "Karl" == Karl Asha <> writes:

Karl> RMS is a fairly large tit. Thank you, Karl Asha

Speaking of body parts, one could conclude from your message that you
are a big asshole. Your second message on this list makes you even
bigger (as a hole).

Linux would certainly not exist in its present form without the GNU

1. It would have been really hard or impossible to develop the kernel
without the GNU tools.
2. Nobody would have been interested of a pure kernel without any
applications even if it could have been developed.
3. If there were no interest and no users, there would had been no
commercial applications.
3. The number of people taking part in development and beta testing
would had been much much smaller if the compiler etc. had been
commercial (costly).
4. As a user without GNU, you won't get far past mounting your root

As an example, I'm writing this in emacs running in linux, both
compiled with gcc, connected over ssh, using the GNUS newsreader, and

The Linux kernel was and is the missing piece needed to make GNU
popular. Alternatively you can say that GNU made Linux possible.
It is all too easy to forget the GNU in your system. Mostly people
think and speak about Linux.

IMHO we should pay particular attention to this.

(A not so active beta tester but an enthusiastic user)

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