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Hello everyone,

I have subscribed to this list for many years without the need for one
single posting. Most of my Linux problems has been solved just by
reading the postings to this list. (I run Linux on many machines
including IBM-incompatible IBM laptops :) During the last couple of
months the number of postings to the linux-kernel list has increased
beyond imagination.

It worries me a lot that most of the postings seem to be off topics
(this one included, sorry all of you). Lately I had over 500 messages
one morning, most of them related to what Linux should be called!!
I have no idea how Linus and the rest of the developers survives this.
Personally I'm very close to a very unfortunate 'unsubscribe
linux-kernel' since even my regular emails tend to disappear in all
this noise. My 'D' key soon needs replacement!!!

Now I will end this particular waste of bandwidth by begging all of you to
try to do whatever little you can to decrease the noiselevel.

* Think twice before posting!!!

* Do not follow up threads that are out of the scope of this list. If needed
mail directly to the person in question, not to the entire list (a typical
case is RTFM messages to people that don't read the excellent HOWTOS)

* Don't waste creativity and bandwidth on flame wars!

* Keep on with the important work of making Linux
several orders of magnitudes better than Blindblows-95(tm).

* Keep on with the relevant postings, but avoid posting unless you are quite
sure that you've got something _really_ interesting to say about the
Linux kernel.

Sorry if I stepped on any toes, but please keep advocacy, Clinton stuff, etc.
out of this list. There are proper channels for such discussions elsewhere.

PLEASE don't followup this message! Just try to avoid more irrelevant postings!

Finally my congratulations to all of you that contributed to the best and
most flexible OS I've seen sofar.

Sorry again for contributing to the noise!



/ /--\ Urban Braendstroem Phone: +46 (0)980 79 126
/ / / IRF, Institutet foer rymdfysik Fax: +46 (0)980 79 050
/ /-----\ Swedish Institute of Space Physics Telex: 8754 IRF S
/ / / P.O. BOX 812 email:
/____/______/ S-981 28 Kiruna
Sweden WWW:

Inuit say: He who looks long upon the aurora soon goes mad.
-There is always one more bug(g)!
500 billion mosquitoes can't be wrong, Kiruna is wonderful!

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