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SubjectThe whole GNU/Linux deal...

Dear Mr. Stallman (and everyone else, of course):

I've got just a few comments to make on this issue:

1) Yes, I'll agree that development of the Linux kernel was greatly aided
by GNU software being available. All bow to the mighty FSF and the
immortal demigod, RMS.

In all seriousness, it's good software, and I like using it. I even like
the principle behind the FSF. It's the militant-style agenda that I
dislike....this need to "claim-jump" anyone else's work and try to further
the FSF's/RMS's agenda seems absurd, and fairly egocentric.

2) By your own arguments, Solaris, HP/UX, SVR4 of any kind, Ultrix,
Mach...ALL of these aren't really their respective names. Most of them
must be akin to "Berkeley-based Ultrix systems," or "Berkeley-additive
System V systems," which is patently ridiculous. Are your ambitions so
great that you feel a need to rewrite the history of modern U*IXes? God
forbid that Political Correctness infiltrate and infect the U*IX and
computer communities at large...I thought we were relatively safe in least until the passage of the CDA.. :)

3) Linux is no more a "GNU-Based Linux system" than, say, Quicken is a
"Microsoft-Visual C++-based Quicken System," or any of the games XXXX are a
"PKZip-based XXXX game," on the grounds that they rely on supporting
archive, development, or utility software... (extrapolate to any other
examples you see fit.)

In all honesty, nobody really gives a serious rip what the hell Linux was
developed with, most likely, save some hardcore FSF proponents. What we
all care about is that Linux exists, is useful, and lets us be a lot more
productive than any of the other alternatives, at essentially zero
financial cost.

It's really great that we can run GNU software under Linux. Just as it's
great that we can run GNU software under just about any platform, including
MSDOS. At any rate, it's all fine and great that GNU software, emacs, gcc,
et al, are out there for our use, free of charge. And the community at
large is appropriately thankful for that fact, I'm sure.

However, if you want to lay claim to an OS, I respectfully suggest you
finish writing your own kernel, instead of trying to hijack many other
people's hard work.

Because, frankly sir, your whole argument here comes across as being
grossly egotistical.

Let us know when you have a GNU-based HURD system, or whatever the hell it
will be called, that you can freely call the GNU-based HURD system, or
whatever you'd ilke to call it, finished, and are willing to release the
source under the GPL.

In the meantime, would everyone PLEASE TAKE THIS BULLSHIT SOMEWHERE
MORE APPROPRIATE! I think we're all goddamn sick and tired of mailboxes
full of tripe.

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