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SubjectSoundblaster 16 WITH RIO Problems
Hi there,

I have a SOundblaster 16 with a Waveblaster-like daughterboard (The
Turtle Beach Rio) and I have just upgraded to 1.3.71. I have not
previously done any synthesizer stuff under linux, but I thought I'd try
with playmidi. Upon trying, I got continuous scrolling messages (I can
do NOTHING - except reboot -- I cant even scroll-lock. I realize I can
set klogd to redirect to the syslog or whatever file, but if this was so
the root filesystem would soon fill up with all these messages...) of
"MPU-401: Timeout" and I looked in the code and it appears it is because
the thing isn't ready. Is there anything special I must do due to the
Rio in the configuration?


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