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SubjectProblem compiling w/POSIX threads (fwd)

I'm resending this, semms that vger ate it (I haven't received a copy of
it and I usually do, and I haven't had replies either :-) )

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 1996 18:07:35 -0500
From: Eric Plante <>
Newgroups: comp.os.linux.development, comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Problem compiling w/POSIX threads

Are posix threads part of linux? It does look so because
/usr/include/pthread.h does exist on my system (dated june 95 though,
that might be old -- where to get newer stuff?), however the file looks a
bit wierd. It contains essentially this:

#include <pthread/mit/pthread.h>

So I understand that _MIT_POSIX_THREADS must be defined for anything
using posix threads to compile. So that's what I did, and here's what
comes out of it:

monLinux:~/xrec$ gcc -c xrec_main.c -D_MIT_POSIX_THREADS
In file included from /usr/include/pthread/mit/cond.h:45,
from /usr/include/pthread/mit/pthread.h:56,
from /usr/include/pthread.h:9,
from xrec_main.c:3:
/usr/include/pthread/mit/sys/timers.h:46: redefinition of `struct timespec'

What xrec_main does is irrelevent, since this happens on line 3 of the
source which is "#include <pthread.h>".I've taken a quick look, and in
the file /usr/include/pthread/mit/fd.h there is a line that goes:

struct timespec;

And in the file /usr/include/pthread/mit/sys/timer.h there is a line that

struct timespec {
time_t ts_sec;
long ts_nsec;

SO.. Am I doing something stupid?

(Please reply directly to my address, or to linux-kernel)

+--Eric Plante------------------------------------------------------+
| «Des femmes nues se jetaient dans ses bras avec une joie démente» |
| - Boris Vian |
+- ---------------------------+

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