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SubjectRe: ext2 in a dos file/partition
On  5 Mar 96 at 15:00, Ray_Van_Tassle-CRV004@email.m wrote:

> As I see it, umsdos has two reasons for existance:
> 1) Allows you to quickly, easily, safely install Linux on a DOS machine,
> perhaps temporarily, without having to mess with fdisk & backup/restore.
> 2) Allows you to access linux files from dos, while running under dos rather
> that linux.
> A big disadvantage is that umsdos is supposedly very slow.
> How about this as an alternative/replacement for umsdos:
> 1) Under dos, create a large contiguous file--obviously this is a dos file
> in a dos partition.
> 2) Convince Linux to use this file as if it were a linux partition.
> 3) Do the normal linux things to it--specifically: mkfs & mkswap.
> When I worked on vax/vms years ago, we had a similar thing, it was called a
> "virtual disk"; the file in which it lived was called a "container file".
> (It's very similar to the CVS of drvspace and stacker). You could mount the
> virtual disk, format it, etc. just as if it was a real disk.
> This would provide us with the 1st advantage of umsdos, but also the
> performance, reliability, etc. of ext2 (or actually, any other linux
> filesystem). The 2nd advantage of umsdos (and I'm not sure how important it
> actually is) could be handled by the set of programs which access an ext2 fs
> from dos (I forget it's name).
> I think this would be fairly easy to do, and I'd be willing to work on it.
> Please tell me what you think about this--and if you think it's worth doing,
> any tips/tricks/shortcuts that might be valuable in making it work. BTW, I
> am thinking that this would NOT sit on top of msdos, as umsdos does, but
> rather would only access the msdos filesystem once, to find this container
> file and gets it's size and physical location.

Linux would still have to interpret DOS/FAT to find out the physical
positions of the file. The file can be fragmented. If you use DOS
defrag, LILO may cease to work (load kernel with BIOS disk

> Regards,
> Ray Van Tassle

Ulrich Windl Klinikum der Universitaet Regensburg
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