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SubjectRE: Sorry to disturb you ... but my make refuse to work.

From: Carlos Magno Ferrao da Silva[]
Sent: Monday, March 04, 1996 5:31 AM
To: 'Linux kernel development'
Subject: Sorry to disturb you ... but my make refuse to work.

Hear's an answer. Normally in the same directory on your ftp archive you will also find
a set of release notes with the same name as the package you want to install. for
GCC etc. they start with the name release.xxxx.y.z The problem your are seeing is
caused by libc but the patch that fixes Make is attached at the end of the release notes.
You will have to get a copy of the make source, add the patches and recompile.
You can use make -f Makefile with the broken make or find an older a.out version.
I believe you can even use a shell to build make. I had the same problem but not
because I didn't have the release notes but because I didn't read them close enough
Hubert Bahr
I upgrade my system to gcc 2.7.2, libc 5.2.18 and libg++
I try to found any documentation about how to do the task, but unfortunely i'm not succeed.
So, I just unpack from / the archives that I get from an ftp server.
Now, when I try to compile a new kernel I got the following messages :

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
When I simply do make,

Or when I do make menuconfig

make: *** No rule to make target 'menuconfig´. Stop.

The rest of my system remains the same.
What I'm doing wrong and how can I solve the problem ?

Thanks in advance,

Carlos Magno

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