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SubjectRe: Slow PPP?
In article <>,
Michael Nelson <> wrote:
>I really don't think the "slow ppp" problems people are having have
>anything to do with the kernel or with ppp 2.2.0e, for that matter. I
>have been running ppp 2.2.0e ever since it came out, with every kernel
>that has been released since then.
>There's gotta be something else wrong in your setups, guys... nothing
>wrong with the kernels or ppp 2.2.0e as far as I can tell.

Sorry, nothing may be wrong for you, but that is not the case for me.

I have been using ppp 2.2.0 with many of the 1.3.x kernels (skipped a
few here and there). I have not had trouble until 1.3.7x (I did not
have any trouble with 1.3.59 before that). I did not change _anything_
in my setup except the kernel, and my PPP connections slowed down about
50% (rough guess). Now it is much faster for me to use MS-Win3.1 and
Trumpet Winsock. This is all for interactive use. FTP connections
under Linux are slower too (1.3k vs 1.6k), but not by as much.

I know that nothing has changed on the ISP side, since I am a system
administrator there.
Chris Adams (
"So, if anybody wants to have hardware sent to them: don't call me, but
instead write your own unix operating system. It has worked every time
for me." - Linus Torvalds, author of Linux (Unix-like) OS

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