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    SubjectRe: Slow PPP?
    Amazingly enough Steve Davies said:
    > I just tried an experiment to check the throughput (using ftp) between my
    > host and my ISP. Firstly in Windoze 3.1, and then in Linux (1.3.77). My
    > modem is a USR Sportster 28.8K internal ISA-bus, connecting to my ISP at
    > 28.8k (serial port set spd_vhi, 115,200 baud, h/w handshake)
    > 100Kb test file Winsock ppp-2.2.0e
    > -----------------------------------------------------------------
    > /pub/test/emptyfile (compressible) 6.24 Kb/s 3.80 Kb/s (-40%)
    > /pub/test/fullfile (non-compressible) 3.11 Kb/s 2.80 Kb/s (-10%)

    Which end did you take the timings from? I assume the ISP end.
    If not, these numbers are meaningless.

    With cslip, and 1.3.80, over masquerade, I'm getting 3.5 Kb/s
    with random data.

    What happens if you do NOT set serial port to spd_vhi? I've
    never done that. I still don't see a reason to do it. Then
    again, I don't use the computer with the modem attached for much
    else, so the time spent talking to the modem isn't that important
    for me.

    Mike Castle .-=NEXUS=-. Life is like a clock: You can work constantly and be right all the time, or not work at all and be right at least twice a day. -- mrc
    We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan. -- Watchmen

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