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SubjectRe: VGA & Floppy Errors
On Thu, 28 Mar 1996, Martin Mares wrote:

> Well, the video code is doing lots of very strange things when performing
> video card detection, but if you don't use the menu nor menu item numbers
> when selecting the mode (by giving BIOS mode ID directly -- see the manual),
> no autodetection is done. Can you test it this way? If the bug will still
> manifest itself, it probably is not in the video code.

I never got a menu. I had to use boot params in LILO. BTW, I did try to
figure out how to get the damned menu, but all the things I tried had
_absolutely_NO_effect_. Maybe it's my kernel (1.3.76), or maybe it's my
card, or something else I can't think of now. But, this should work just
fine (hi-res video and Mitsumi CD-ROM), and it doesn't. The CD-ROM driver
has never freaked like that before (my drive is on address 340 hex and
IRQ 10, and the kernel reported "No drive found at 0x340,10".).

Derrik Pates
Win95 isn't the problem - OS/2 and DOS are. Win95 is the answer.
-- also --
Linux is the answer to the same problem.
-- but --
Linux is free.

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