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Small patches to 1.3.79 to fix hopefully the last of the silly problems
with 78/79. There are a few unresolved issues still:

- interrupt latency problems. Some people see these, others don't. I
haven't been able to see the pattern here, could people who see it
please tell me their configurations. Somebody reported it solved
already, others disagreed. Very confusing.
- md seems to get confused by the new plugging code - it probably doesn't
understand the dummy plug request.

I need more info (and in the case of md I need the patches to fix it ;-)

[ For my sanity, if you have interrupt problems, you could try to do just
a "grep '=[ym]' .config" in your linux top-level directory and send me
your results. And if you use kerneld and/or modules, tell me _which_
ones. I'll ask for more information later if I still can't see any
pattern with that kind of minimal report from people. But try 1.3.80
_first_, just on the off chance that it's fixed by mistake. ]

Anyway, 1.3.80 does fix:
- interrupt problem on the alpha (resulting in not only bad interrupt
latency, but also keyboard led setting not working) (me)
- nfsroot cleanup (Gero Kuhlmann)
- small ide driver updates (Mark Lord)
- slight cleanup to how the plugging was done (me)
- idle time in /proc/uptime works again (Halleluja!)
- increased max read-ahead
- xconfig hopefully works again

As usual, the new kernel can be found on pub/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus/v1.3 pub/Software/Linux/Kernel/v1.3

Go and sin no more,


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:36    [W:0.341 / U:0.428 seconds]
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