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Subjecti swallow my pride.
Hi, I'm sure this is a terrable place to ask, but I'm going to do it none 
the less, out of despiration/frustration.

I have tried to compile various 1.3 kernel versions, and consistantly get
this sort of error when i make zImage, but not before:

cc1: Invalid option `align-loops=2'
cc1: Invalid option `align-jumps=2'
cc1: Invalid option `align-functions=2'
make: *** [<filename>] Error 1

I have gcc 2.6.3, which I suspect is the problem, as I've read that this
can cause problems. I grabed the bins for 2.7.2 and untared those,
resulting in different errors. I guess what I'm looking for is for
someone to tell me if it's problems that have not been yet resolved with
the kernel (which I assume that it is not, being that you all seem to
frequently compile 1.3.x kernels) or gcc (which I assume it is). If
there's an easy fix for this sort of problem (ie so that I can compile a
recient 1.3 kernel, or any 1.3 kernel, as I've tried as early as 1.3.57)
I'd love to know what it is, but I presume that there is not.

Thanks. I appologize for my misplaced plea for help, and my ignorance.

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