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SubjectRe: kernel messages on the console
On Wed, 27 Mar 1996, Avery Pennarun wrote:

> The "printk" command used to print kernel messages supports certain priority
> levels. As of the most recent kernels, only messages less important than
> "KERN_WARNING" can be turned off. The problem is that when printk() is
> called WITHOUT a priority level, such as most "old" or uninformed kernel
> code will do, the default is KERN_WARNING; this means that a lot of useless
> messages are forced to your console.
> Hopefully this will get sorted out before Linux 2.0 is released. I
> personally would prefer to be allowed to disable any message less important
> than a critical error - anything else should be able to be written to a
> logfile, so it's not so important to force those on.

The proper way to fix this would be to go through and add the correct
priority to all those printk() calls. Unfortunately, the kernel (as of
1.3.79) contains some 8685 calls to printk(), and only 739 of those have a
KERN_ priority setting, so it will be a long job.

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