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SubjectRe: kernel messages on the console
On Wed, 27 Mar 1996, Erv Walter wrote:

> > > Can someone tell me how/if I can turn off the default behavior of
> > > kernel messages appearing on the console (ie. when modules like umsdos
> > > and cslip are loaded). They are appearing in the log file, and that
> > > is good enough for me. On the console, they are just getting in the
> > > way. Please note that I did check syslog.conf. These messages are
> > > not being sent to the console by syslogd (that I know of).
> >
> > Also see "klogd -c" in the manual pages...
> I tried every klogd -c # but none of them stopped the messages printed
> when floppy, umsdos, cslip, etc. were loaded.

In the early 1.3.x kernels (maybe 1.3.3x?) printk was changed so that
certain messages simply cannot be disabled. Apparently this was to improve
the chances that important system messages wouldn't be disabled by
misconfigured versions of klogd (or similar) programs.

Some messages - like kernel panics - really are important and really should
be placed on the console because otherwise, you'll have no idea what

The "printk" command used to print kernel messages supports certain priority
levels. As of the most recent kernels, only messages less important than
"KERN_WARNING" can be turned off. The problem is that when printk() is
called WITHOUT a priority level, such as most "old" or uninformed kernel
code will do, the default is KERN_WARNING; this means that a lot of useless
messages are forced to your console.

Hopefully this will get sorted out before Linux 2.0 is released. I
personally would prefer to be allowed to disable any message less important
than a critical error - anything else should be able to be written to a
logfile, so it's not so important to force those on.

Hope this clears things up a bit for you. The "minimum console loglevel"
near the top of linux/kernel/printk.c will allow you to change the minimum
level settable by klogd if you really want to; you can also change the
default level to something less important. That's probably a better way.


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