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Subject1.3.80: Trouble with sound as module [quick fix]
I was having this problem with 1.3.76 and found a solution for it, and still
have to use that solution for 1.3.80. It seems neither make menuconfig or
make config correctly set up the sound configuration yet. The resulting
module (in my case) refuses to load due to a couple of missing symbols (not
included). However, if you go into drivers/sound, do make config and make
modules, then install the resulting module, it works fine (with some warnings
about redefined symbols at compile-time). The defines which seem to be
missing for some reason when you make {menu,}config are:

#define CONFIG_AD1848

(I am using a Soundscape setup, but I expect other cards will have the
same problem.) Doing a make config in the drivers/sound directly
correctly defines these.

Also, I still have trouble with make xconfig. The sound menu comes up
with only the line for enabling sound, and no other configuration
options, and the program seems to lock up when I try to save the

If you are curious enough to want to see my configuration files, send me
a message with subject "send file x" where x is:

config: /usr/src/linux/.config
autoconf.h: /usr/src/linux/include/linux/autoconf.h
local.h: /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/local.h

Andy Dustman / Computational Center for Molecular Structure and Design / UGA
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