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SubjectSuggestion for console Scroll Lock
Sometimes the text scrolls too fast, and it is necessary to stop it
using the Scroll Lock key, read it, and then press Scroll Lock twice
very quickly so that it scrolls by no more than one full screen.

Scrollback helps a bit, but is not available on cheap monochrome cards
(often used in servers where usually no one is sitting at the console
anyway). I'd suggest to add a feature to temporarily turn off Scroll
Lock until the text scrolls by one full screen, every time the user
presses some special key (only valid if Scroll Lock is on).

I haven't looked at the code yet so I'm not sure how hard would be to
do it, but I think it would be quite nice...



P. S. Are there any chances that the SAK patch will be integrated in
the standard kernel before 1.4/2.0?

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