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Subject2940UW Woes...

I just bought an Adaptec 2940UW and am having problems with it.
During any kind of disk activity (*ANY* kind), I get an error message
from the kernel stating:

<something> { DriveReady SeekComplete }

or something of the sort (can't remember now, been a couple days since
I tried accessing the disk) and the system locks solid. I haven't even
been able to make a filesystem on my new disk yet because of the error :(

I've been told by Adaptec tech personnel that the newer cards
use the AIC7880 chipset rather than the AIC7780. Apparently the interface
is different enough that the commands sent the controller make the chip
fumble the ball and the system hangs. Is there any information about
programming these chips and/or is a driver update in the works? If there
is available programming information, I'd like to have a crack at updating
the driver. :)

I may be off-topic on this list, but after digging around a bit, I
still can't come up with the name of the linux scsi list. Also, do the
*BSD folks have similar problems with this card?


Corey D. Brenner -- (,
#include <std_disclaimer.h> | Right-wing, Libertarian, Redneck,
| Fascist, Racist, Bigoted, Homophobic,
This .signature is in | Sexist, Neo-Nazi, Militia-member,
>>>FEEL-AROUND<<< | [insert "conservative" synonym here],
| wacko at large. ;)
"I yam Popeye of Borg. You will be askimilgrated."

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