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SubjectRe: Porting Linux to a new architecture
> > mips, powerpc, and sparc. The seperation between processor/machine
> > dependant and indepenant parts is much better than in 1.2.13.
> Yes. There are still some glaring things that show up when you try and
> port bits to a 16bit int architecture (like block numbers being int) but
> on the whole its pretty code chunks (I'm currently porting the kernel to
> the 8086, and quite big chunks of code like most of the yggdrasil bios disk
> driver go straight over with tiny fixes).
> Alan

Has anyone looked at porting to the Z380. I got a great Z380 platform
(Its a management card right now) just itching to run Linux. The problem
with this CPU is it does not have a MMU, just a 32bit flat address space.
I was sort of hoping someone would port Linux to a cpu with a similar
arch. No hardware swaping or paging, but with an embedded system thats
not so bad. Just get rid of all the keyboard and display stuff and other
unnessassry goodies. You would never need to run big apps like X or
gcc. A simple single WAN port IP/IPX router or terminal server would
be the main use for such a device.

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