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SubjectRe: Console patch...
>>There might be something to be said for
>>having a BIOS style keyboard mode, though, if only to make it easier
>>for people to port stuff from DOS, any maybe to help out the DOSemu
>The patch does two things with keyboard by adding a new mode:
>- passes more information to user level processs (shift flags, ...)
>- leaves the text console switching in control of the kernel, making
>more reliable.
>It would be nice to have a standard mode that does two things:
>- kernel VC switching (as in cooked mode).
>- returns keycode (and keysym?) and shift state flags when read.
>One could track shift state changes in a program, but they would
>get out of sync (like they do now).
>Perhaps also a VC_VRAW and VC_VMEDIUMRAW modes would be useful.

I'm writing a generic keyboard library (it will handle the console, X11,
and terminals which use escape sequences as identically as possible) and
I think all of those features would be extremely useful, especially
kernel interception of most KT_SPEC keys. I'd prefer to be able to handle
the shift state myself (it should only get out of sync when switching
consoles, and I'd just reset it then), since that way people could more
fully use program-specific customized keymaps. Or even better: advertise
the shift state for programs that want it, but send shift keys to programs

-- Aaron Ucko (; finger for PGP public key) | httyp!
"That's right," he said. "We're philosophers. We think, therefore we am."
-- Terry Pratchett, _Small Gods_ | Geek Code 3.1 [for explanation, finger]: GCS/M/S/C d- s: a18 C++(+++)>++++ UL++>++++ P++
L++>+++++ E- W(-) N++(+) o+ K- w--- O M@ V-(--) PS++(+++) PE- Y(+) PGP(+) t(+)
!5 X-- R(-) tv-@ b++(+++) DI+ !D-- G++(+++) e->+++++(*) h!>+ r-(--)>+++ y?

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