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SubjectConsole patch...

>> www page is at
Only the OS/2 version is there. I gave Linux versions (console+x11) to
a few
of my friends and they probably distributet it further.

>> It probably won't work on anything other than the console after
The console version only works on console :)
There is an X11 version though.

>> responsive if they are re-written to use the features in the patch.
>> The patch itself will almost patch cleanly into version 1.3.77
>> though it's actually meant for 1.2 I think.
>This patch seems pretty darn useless to me; it is replicating
>functionality from the standard driver as well as /dev/vcsa with
>little or no additional functionality. This stuff can be done without
>kernel bloat pretty easily.

I made the patch for kernel 1.1.54 and haven't really changed it until
It now uses /dev/vcsa.

>There might be something to be said for
>having a BIOS style keyboard mode, though, if only to make it easier
>for people to port stuff from DOS, any maybe to help out the DOSemu

The patch does two things with keyboard by adding a new mode:
- passes more information to user level processs (shift flags, ...)
- leaves the text console switching in control of the kernel, making
more reliable.

It would be nice to have a standard mode that does two things:
- kernel VC switching (as in cooked mode).
- returns keycode (and keysym?) and shift state flags when read.

One could track shift state changes in a program, but they would
get out of sync (like they do now).

Perhaps also a VC_VRAW and VC_VMEDIUMRAW modes would be useful.



bla bla bla

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