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SubjectZftape in kernel ?
Hello all,

The latest kernels contain ftape. I think this should be replaced by zftape, or,
zftape should be _also_ available in the kernel image.
The reason for that is that zftape has better features: of course compressing (where
that 'z' stand for) and qic80 support.

The problem is that it is not so easy to adapt the zftape package so, that only the
parts that differ from ftape can be placed in the kernel image. I say that because
just includeing the zftape package would mean having a lot of duplicate code in the
kernel package.

The author of zftape has changed some file of ftape and some not. He also made some
new files. This makes it impossible for me to do the job of integrating both in the
kernel. My idea it was for doing it so that both can be used independantly

What do you all think about it ?

Let me know....


BTW. I attach a little patch for fs.h and super.c. I found this while I was making
the loop.o module to work in 1.3.74. (Now it works in .76 !)


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