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SubjectRe: Re: Zmailer and Majordomo troubles
I'd assume that your mail is flame bait, and you have left your terminal 
logged in, but perhaps you have just switched of your brain.

> will exist until the end of charactersets. Since ASCII satisfies
> every need (with uuencode+gzip), you should be happy too.
Every need. I see. It is rather well suited to transfer German or French
messages. Even better for Russian messages. And even better suited for
Japanese and Chinise messages.
(Japanese could do with a rather small number of symbols, just by using
Katagana and Hirigana (long time ago that I took 101 Japanese :(, but to
paraphrase my teacher, why we had to learn the ``Chinese Characters'':
No real Japanese would use the other ``character sets'' instead of the
Picture set.)

> My standard was there first, and C complies with it.

The standard ``I kill you, because I don't like you and I'm stronger''
was there before our (US, Austrian, ...) current criminal law (I'd rather
say that for every place on earth there is a point of time where anarchy
was ruling.), and still it is not actual and used any more.

Oh, by the way, this is rather off-topic for linux-kernel.

have fun, and don't use that kind of fake arguments.

Andreas Kostyrka
Fax: +43/1/7070750 Tel: +43/1/7077571, +43/664/3020166 (cellular)
Copyright 1996 Andreas Kostyrka. Microsoft Network is prohibited from
redistributing this work in any form, in whole or in part.

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