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SubjectQuestion about new scheduling features
Hi there, could anybody point me to some information about how to
use the new scheduling modes to achieve realtime- performance ?

My actual problem is, i have written an application that displays realtime data
coming in across a socket and allows the user to interact using X and tcl/tk.

It works pretty good, taking about 50 % of my CPU time,if i can trust
procps's top.

The pity is, sometimes the output seems to freeze for a short time, not
too bad, but for
this time also input is delayed, so the users might think the mouse was
not working or
the like.

I hope this can be improved using another scheduling mechanism, and a look at
linux/kernel/sched.c showed me there are three different policys,

SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR and SCHED_OTHER, but what is the difference ?

As far as i understand this, one needs a program like nice that allows
users to start processes with another scheduling policy than the default.
As only root may change the policy, imho this tool must be suid root
and should do some checks to decide if the reqest is allowed.

Are there sources available yet ?

many thanks for any hints on this,

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