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SubjectSLIP slowdown
  Sorry I can't offer much info about this, but I wanted to chime in and 
say that I have also noticed a significant SLIP speed decrease since

Here's a couple of things I've noticed.
1) telneting to a SunOS 4.1.3 host is fairly quick, however, telneting to
a Solaris host causes slow down. (this was tested on more than two

2) If I type slow enough, i.e., waiting for character to echo back before
typing the next, it keeps up. However, if I type any faster, it slows
down. i.e., it takes longer to echo back the characters if I type
quickly then it does if I type slowly. WAG: There seems to be some kind
of buffer which is slowing things down. I'm talking times in the 1 to 3
second range.

I'm, using CSLIP and the SLIP keepalive compiled as both module and in
the kernel (at different times...)


Mark E. Levitt
Department of Speech Communication, Syracuse University
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