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SubjectRe: 3c59x driver: Patch for "transmit timed out" and other things.

Giuseppe Ciaccio enscribed thusly:

> Working with both 3c590 and 3c595 ethercards, I detected two problems:

> 1) During FTP transmissions of bulky files, the message
> "transmit timed out" appeared, and the transmission was blocked.

> 2) Having installed both the cards, the driver detected the 3c590 card only,
> regardless of having put 'append = "ether=0,0,eth1"' in /etc/lilo.conf
> to force the detection of a further ethercard.

> Here follows a patch for the "Vortex" driver for 3c590/3c595 ethercards.
> With this patch, everything works properly (at least, it seems to).

> There are two releases of 3c590 cards: 8K buffer and 32K buffers. The
> patched driver has shown a significant, though not tragic, loss of
> performance with cards of the former type. To understand why, please read
> the comments in the patch.

> This is my first attempt to patch something in Linux, I hope the followed
> procedure is OK. Apologies for poor English and/or protocol violation.

This patch help fix a major problem for me. Thank you very much!

I had two problems with this patch, though.

1) Please do not send out patches as MIME attachments in base 64
encoding. That made it a royal pain to save and use the patch from elm.
If it's a text patch, please make sure it's sent out as text. base 64
encoding just makes it a pain for those of us who don't routinely use mime.
I use it when necessary, but text files are not necessary.

2) The patch breaks support for multiple 3c590 cards. I have a
router with three of these beasts and when I put in this patch it could
only see one.

I tracked the multiple card problem down to the PCI identification
code where a new variable, "found", was introduced and at the end of the
pci scanning loop was the line "if( !found ) break;". I don't know
what you were trying to accomplish with that, but commenting it out,
restored recognition for multiple 3c590 boards. If I read this code right,
I get the impression that it would stop scanning the PCI list as soon as
it found a card it didn't recognize. Since it only looks for 3c59x cards,
this would include PCI video cards (which I have) or other sundry PCI
peripherals. I may be wrong - but I don't think that code is a good idea.

Here are the problem lines in the patch...

- for (index = 0; product_ids[index]; index++) {
- if ( ! pcibios_find_device(TCOM_VENDOR_ID, product_ids[index],
+ for (index = 0; index < 5; index++) {
+ found = 0;
+ if ( pcibios_find_device(TCOM_VENDOR_ID, product_ids[index],
+ /* A known PCI card was found */
+ found = 1;
+ /* If no known card was found, stop scanning. */
+ if (!found) break;

The last segment above is what causes the breakage (sorry - ugly
pun - been a long day!). If this code is intended to do something useful -
it needs to be done in a way which does not break things.

> Regards
> >>>>>>
> ( @ @ )
> |-------------------------oOOo-(____)-oOOo--------------------------|
> | |
> | Giuseppe Ciaccio E-mail, Finger: |
> | Please use "finger" to get phone numbers, addresses, etc. |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Sex is not the answer; sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer! |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> || ||
> oooO Oooo
> ---75343811-256057862-827233284=:363
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> Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
> Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960319120124.363B@hobbes>
> Content-Description:
> LS0tIDNjNTl4b2xkLmMJVGh1IE1hciAxNCAxNTowMToxNSAxOTk2DQorKysg
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> UykgJiBDbWRJblByb2dyZXNzKQ0KIAkJCQlicmVhazsNCiAJfQ0K
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Regards & Thanks
Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 |
(The Mad Wizard) | (770) 925-8248 |
NIC whois: MHW9 | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471 | possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it!

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