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SubjectRe: Let's make ext2fs into lfs (Was: Is anyone using EXT FS)
lfs sounds like a bad idea to me; I believe lfs  has been used for log file
system (see the netbsd source). Also, ext2fs is not necessarily exclusive to
Linux; if you look at some of the structs in /usr/include/linux/ext2_fs.h you
will see references to hurd and masix (what on earth is masix, anyway?). I
agree that ext2 is a bit of a handfull though. Names of the form [a-z]fs would
be good, but a lot of them are gone or would be otherwise undesirable.

A very incomplete list:
afs - gone; [bcd]fs ?; efs - confusing with the old extfs; ffs - gone; gfs -
someone might think it was a GNU filesystem; hfs seems familiar from somewhere,
[ijk]fs ? lfs gone; mfs gone (mem fs under bsd); nfs gone; [opq]fs?; rfs gone;
[st]fs ?; ufs gone (and can we port the bsd one?); vfs - gone (virtual layer);
wfs?; xfs - not sure; [yz]fs ?

So can anybody think of good names starting with one of bcdijkopqstwyz?


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