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SubjectWorking Great

What can i say but good job, Linux kernel version 1.3.71 after 5 days,
not one single error message of any kind. But you may note all of the
Idle users.. Most of them are using PPP, and i cant tell if they are
really idle or not. Is their a way to find out who has been idle for
how long, and kill those that have been for more than a preset time of
say 30 mins???. And yes i did post this in linux-ppp, but nobody had
any answers.

Michael Slater

11:30pm up 5 days, 20:19, 16 users, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
aonline ttyE0 11:18pm 11 -
bobh ttyE1 10:32pm 57 -
marx ttyE2 10:49pm 40 -
macross ttyE3 8:16pm 3:13 -
pcm ttyE4 7:02pm 4:27 -
oliver ttyE5 3:55pm 3:26 -
otc ttyE6 11:17pm 12 -
cjhobson ttyE7 9:45pm 1:43 -
jamesat ttyE8 6:29pm 26 -
smokey ttyE9 8:58pm 2:30 -
rowan ttyE10 10:43pm 46 -
aonline tty6 Thu10am 4days -
aonline tty2 5:02pm 6:19 -
aonline tty1 10:07am 6:13 -
cjhobson ttyp0 10:49pm 39 -
aonline ttyp1 11:30pm -

 \ /
  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:36    [W:0.055 / U:0.008 seconds]
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