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SubjectIDE Timeouts

I've seen various people post similar messages, but I havent seen anybody
describe a solution to the problem, so I'll just chime in with another data

I've been having problems ever since I bought and installed a new Quantum
1.2gig IDE Fireball. All the problems seem to occur when transferring large
amounts of data between the drives. Specifically, the following command:

find . | cpio pd /usr2

where the find is on the old disk (Maxtor 7850AV) and /usr2 is the new
disk, causes errors of the following sorts:

Mar 2 14:04:17 eddie kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
Mar 2 14:04:17 eddie kernel: ide0: reset: success

Initially the Maxtor was the master on the primary IDE channel, and the
Quantum the slave. The resets still occur when the Quantum is the master and
the Maxtor is the slave.

System Config:
Pentium-75, 8Mb RAM.
Triton Chipset.
Linux 1.3.69
libc 4.6.27


"No, I'm not going to explain it. If you can't figure it out,
you didnt want to know anyways..."
-- Larry Wall

"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not
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-- DEK

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