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SubjectDefective request/free_irq?
Has anyone figured out if there is a defect in the 1.3.72(maybe more?)
kernel? In trying to compile DOSEMU, I got an error that I didn't get
building with 1.3.69 - insufficient parameters on both request_irq and
free_irq. Also, on request_irq, it always errors on an "incompatible
pointer type". I was able to fix the first problem by adding a NULL
parameter as an extra parameter for request_irq and free_irq, but the
manpages say they shouldn't need these extra params. Does anyone know
what's up? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Derrik Pates
Win95 isn't the problem - OS/2 and DOS are. Win95 is the answer.
-- also --
Linux is the answer to the same problem.

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