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SubjectSound and EIDE problems with Intel Advanced/AS mainboard

I have a brand new computer with Intel Advanced/AS (Atlantis) mainboard,
and so far I noticed two very annoying problems:

1. The board has built-in CS4232 audio codec. It is initialized by voxware
and even plays 16bit sound, but if I abort anything writing to /dev/dsp
(for example timidity), I can't play any sound any more, and the following
is recorded in syslog:
Mar 9 12:40:15 penthouse kernel: Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ
config error?
Mar 9 12:40:52 penthouse last message repeated 8 times
Mar 9 12:41:07 penthouse last message repeated 5 times

It doesn't matter what values I specify for IRQ/DMA.

2. The board is Triton chipset based, and I use EIDE bus mastering to improve
performance. Under heavy disk load sometimes the disk freezes for a few
seconds with a message:
Mar 8 17:15:41 penthouse kernel: hda: irq timeout: status=0x58 {
DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
Mar 8 17:15:41 penthouse kernel: ide0: reset: success

My system info:
P133 16M, Intel Advanced/AS motherboard, Quantum Fireball 1280A EIDE drive.
Kernels 1.3.68-1.3.72.

I'm using MR-BIOS now, can it cause any troubles (I don't wish to upload
another BIOS just to check it. Messing with BIOS on this recovery lacking
motherboard can be extremely dangerous)?

Has anyone experienced similar problems and/or know how to solve them?

Michael Dorfman <>

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