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SubjectRe: iBCS w/1.3.71
From a posting to linux-ibcs2:

> I was able to get the iBCS code to compile and load as a module with the
> 1.3.71 kernel from information included from a linux-kernel posting from
> Tom Grigg <> (Subject: patches for 1.3.71 w/iBCS). His
> posting contained a patch to the 1.3.71 kernel and the 1 February 1996
> version of iBCS (ibcs-1.3-960201.tar.gz).

If it's iBCS post to the linux-ibcs2 list otherwise you are just
wasting your time.

> Regarding a seperate posting from Linus Torvalds in reference to Tom
> Grigg's patch and the create_aout_tables() function in the kernel, I
> think that we shall very soon see some additional patches for iBCS.
> I do not think that Linus will include the iBCS kernel portion of Tom's
> patch in future versions of the kernel because of the issue dealing
> with including code in the kernel that would be better left in user
> space. You may reach a different conclusion after you have read Linus'
> and Tom's postings in linux-kernel about iBCS, but I think I am correct.

There is absolutely no need to change the current kernel. There will,
of course, be a minor change needed (and done) to iBCS but we're
talking about development code here aren't we?

Incidentally there is a serious race related to paging in low
memory conditions in 1.3.56 through 1.3.72 which can lead to weird
seg faults, oops, idle sleep attempts etc. I'll post the fix to
Linus in the morning assuming I can't push it over again in the


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