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SubjectSpace, speed etc...

Hi all ;)

1. Space:
As far as ya know src of kenels now are >15Mb - and normal ppl must
left it to be able to compile other programs (if they can't leave only
some headers, of coz ;) And some ppl (like me ;) knows what they have &
wan't b able to modify/recompile kernel - so they (I) need to keep src
too... But really I need <5Mb - I know that I don't need, for example,
scsi drivers... So my idea is to make `make smth` to remove files that
are not needed after `make config` was made... And (maybe) modify some *h
- like fs.h - to not use not-needed parts of kernel (fs.h uses headers
from other fs' like xiafs, but I know that I don't need xiafs & will
newer look at it at all ;)

Maybe I'm not right - correct me please ;)

2. Speed - `make dep`

a. Tell me please why it's needed?

b. IMHO 'gawk -f ....../depend.awk *[hcS]` can be replaced by:
grep #include *[hcS] > tmpfile
small_C(!!!)_prog tmpfile > .depend
grep #include *[hcS] | small_prog > .depend

If not, tell me (Im lamer ;)

c. make dep takes ~1-2h on 386sx25/4Mb :-((
It AT LEAST depends unneeded files - like scsi in 1.

d. make dep depends ALL - including linux/include - ANY time it runs :-((

e. IMHO if I install kernel src in /usr/src && I haven't modify it ->
`make dep` that was made by my friend will b SAME (right?) If yes,
then maybe in linux-x.x.xx.tar.gz must be all dependencies?

<to be continued (maybe) ... >

If all this is just flood - please send me message like "shut up, lamer!" ;)

If not - please tell me where Im wrong or (maybe) add some things - then
(I hope) it can b send to Linus directly ;)


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