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SubjectKernel Bug -- Repost with Updated info

[This is a repost with some updated info.]

I am running kernel 2.0.26 with all the latest libraries.
2.0.27 also has this problem. I believe 2.0.24 did not
have this bug, but I am not certain. However, I *am* certain
that 2.0.0 did not have it. Using older libraries doesn't fix it.

My setup is a standard intel pentium PC with 64 M RAM,
SCSI hard drives, buslogic card, etc.

The problem occurs when running the realaudio encoder software for
linux. (I can make this available to you if you need it. Or get it
from ).
Running any of the following programs (raencoder, rapaste, rax,
racut) causes a segmentation fault and produces this debugging
output in the syslog:

Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: general protection: 0000
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: CPU: 0
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: EIP: 0010:[<04867b4a>]
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: eax: 01cc3f84 ebx: f000ff47 ecx:
00000000 edx: f000ff47
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: esi: 00000018 edi: 00000000 ebp:
bffff504 esp: 01cc3f64
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 0018 gs:
002b ss: 0018
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: Process raencoder (pid: 193, process
nr: 50, stackpage=01cc3000)
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: Stack: f000ff47 00000000 01cc3f84
00000020 04871448 fffffff8 00000003 bffff504
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: 00000003 01e8bc0c bffff5a0
bffff442 bffff504 01c31000 001287d5 0001ea48
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: 00128822 00000003 01e8bc0c
bffff5a0 bffff442 0010a615 0001ea48 080f1300
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: Call Trace: [<04871448>] [<001287d5>]
[<00128822>] [<0010a615>]
Dec 3 16:13:48 flatbush kernel: Code: 8b 42 04 ff d0 89 c1 83 c4 10 be
2b 00 00 00 66 8e e6 83 f9

Trying to map the EIP to a function name using nm vmlinux | sort does
not work, since the highest address is:

00221191 A _end

I'll be happy to help in any way. And thank you for developing
an OS I can believe in. Thank you!


Surrender to the void.
-- Lennon

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