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SubjectSIIG SCSI Drivers
I'm curious if linux has support for the SIIG SCSI Pro card. I've looked
and looked, can't find anything by name anyway. Is there one that is
compatible?? I hope the answer is yes, because to install linux before, I
had to copy all the files to my dos disk, and install from there, which
was a pain in the but, because I was using slackware, and it has these
weird files in each dir that wont copy for dos.... I need to reinstall
though, so I'm hopeing I can use the cd. :) Anyhow, any help would ne
appreciated, sorry if this isn't apporpriate for this list, but I figured
it is kind of a kernel issue. :)

Michael A. Ballbach: N0ZTQ

"You earth people have glorified violence for centuries, but imprisoned
those who do so separately." -- Spock

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