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SubjectKernel 2.1.14 bug: scripts absent from ps listing

I am sending this from school (on HP-UX) so I can not be as complete as I
would like to be, but it seems I must have screwed up my mailer at home
or something, because my previous post did not make it to the list.

In kernel 2.0.27, when you start a script, it shows up in the ps listing.
For instance, if I had a script named, "foo"

(This is not real output. I doing this from memory, so I may make a mistake.)

andersee@Dillweed% foo &
[1] 3295
andersee@Dillweed% ps | grep foo
3295 ttyp3 0:00 foo
andersee@Dillweed% killall foo
[1]+ Terminated foo

This behavior is correct. For kernel 2.1.14 though:

andersee@Dillweed% foo &
[1] 3295
andersee@Dillweed% ps | grep foo
andersee@Dillweed% killall foo
foo: process not found

The point is, if you run a script on 2.1.14, the script does not show up
in the process status listing. This is obviously a problem! It seems the
kernel adjustments to make scripts run again in 2.1.14 need a bit more work.


Erik B. Andersen Web:
2485 South State St. email: or
Springville, Ut 84663 phone: (801) 489-1231
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