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SubjectCompiling 2.0.27


[ I know this isn't strictly a kernel question, but... ]

I've been running 2.0.25 recently and decided to go up to 2.0.27 (via
patching), but I seem to be having a problem running the 'make dep'

I have recently upgraded libc to 5.4.13 and to 1.8.5 (and
admittedly, usually use pgcc to compile the kernel). I also installed
modules-2.1.13 as well. (Getting ready to use the 2.1.x series - I
like being on the bleeding edge :-)

I get the following error:

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/home/root/src/linux-2.0.27/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wno-sign-compare -pipe -DCPU=586 -E -D__GENKSYMS__ ksyms.c | /sbin/genksyms /home/root/src/linux-2.0.27/include/linux/modules
PANIC: buffer overflow! Quitting!
cpp: output pipe has been closed
make[1]: *** [/home/root/src/linux-2.0.27/include/linux/modules/ksyms.ver] Error 1

Now, I looked at the genksyms code and found the error (and noticed a
static buffer that was defined with a MAXTMP size).
Even increasing this up to 1000000 still generated the problem
(although took longer :-)

Using -d on genksyms it always seem to stop at this stage:

TYPEDEF expand <__kernel_fsid_t>
S/U/E def <statfs> <struct statfs { long f_type ; long f_bsize ; long f_blocks ; long f_bfree ; long f_bavail ; long f_files ; long f_ffree ; typedef struct { int val [ 2 ] ; } __kernel_fsid_t f_fsid ; long f_namelen ; long f_spare [ 6 ] ; } >
BUFFER: <#truct statfs >
PANIC: buffer overflow! Quitting!

I also tried just using gcc-2.7.2 and modules-2.0.0 in various
combinations, but always seem to get this error :-(

Am I doing something obviously wrong? Or have I somehow knackered my
machine :-)

Thanks for any help.
| Andrew Pollard, Integral Solutions Ltd UK.| Work: |
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