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SubjectEtherExpress PRO modularized patch (against 2.1.14)
Hello fellow kernel hackers,

when trying to run 2.1.14 with the EtherExpress Pro driver as a
module I could not get things to work. I looked at the source and
saw that the module initialization in eepro.c was different from other
ethernet cards (i.e. 3c509.c, a card I have in another computer).

So, I took the `init_module' and `cleanup_module' functions from
`3c509.c' and modified them to do the `eepro' initialization, and, it
works (at least for me it does!).

Is the interface between the module utils and the drivers described
somewhere ? I think that the problem was basically in the following
static int io = 0x200;
static int irq = 0;
static int mem = (RCV_RAM/1024); /* Size of the rx buffer in KB */


static int io[MAX_EEPRO_CARDS] = { 0, };
static int irq[MAX_EEPRO_CARDS] = { 0, };
static int mem[MAX_EEPRO_CARDS] = { 0, };

Somehow, I get the feeling that passing on the I/O address and
Interrupt at modules initialisation time did not work correctly.


Frank Breure.
Todays saying:
Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice.

Here's the patch:
[unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream]
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