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Subjectdmsdos success story :-)


I was searching around the net yeterday (Christmas day) and found your
dmsdos package at sunsite. I read the dmsdos.doc and built the system
for linux using your makefile (no edits required). I am running kernel
2.1.17 in a RedHat envirnment. The W95 side is a 261 MB partition
(hda2) compressed (using DriveSp3 'High') to yield 435 MB. Since the
Ultra compression level is not supported, I had booted W95, turned off
Ultra, and told it to optomize for speed. It removed all of the Ultra
compressed files. I was suprised at the small benefit the Ultra
compression was providing. The free space changed from 56 MB to 29MB.
To me that means I only lost 6% in drive size? No big deal. I have
been able to read/write files to the W95 partition without any known

Is it time to suggest adding this to the kernel source tree? For us
with laptops and limited disk resources, this is a valuable addition.

Thanks for the Christmas Present.

* Don Fisher
* Science Applications International Corporation (520)570-7699
* 5151 E. Broadway, Suite
* Tucson, AZ

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