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SubjectLinux v2.1.16

I just put out 2.1.16 on the normal ftp sites ( and, and I hope that this release brings me closer to being
up-to-date on patches that have been brewing while I've been otherwise

The release does:
- update sparc and PowerPC code (davem and cort respectively)
- various network updates for stuff that was broken by the 2.1.15 changes
(various people)
- minor alpha updates (gcc bug workaround etc, 2.1.16 should work out of
the box on alphas again)

NOTE! If you have sent me patches that aren't in this release, please
re-send. I may have missed a lot of patches, and I probably won't go
through old email. I hope I got the most pressing ones, but if I didn't..

Also note that though I have a new daughter and am still supposed to write
a bit on my masters thesis, that doesn't mean that I don't want to get
patches. I may not be too good at answering email right now, and I'll
totally ignore most non-technical emails, but on the other hand I also
most definitely don't want to let Linux development go under due to that.

Oh, one final note about 2.1.16: you should do a "make mrproper" followed
by a configure and then a "make dep". That should get rid of any bogus
dependencies that may have been created by 2.1.14 (resulting in "no rule
to make target 'xxx.h'" errors).


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