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SubjectRe: Triton II + 6x86 hangs
On Sat, 2 Nov 1996, Gerald Combs wrote:

> I recently "upgraded" to a generic Triton II motherboard with a Cyrix
> 6x86 processor. At random times my system now hangs completely - it
> doesn't respond to keyboard or mouse input and I can't telnet into the
> machine. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to when the hangs
> happen. Sometimes (rarely) it happens during the boot process. At other
> times the machine will go a full day without any problems. The only time
> it consistenly hangs is when xscreensaver's 'halo' module runs. After
> rebooting there aren't any log messages or anything else indicating that
> the system was having any problems.
> The system consists of the motherboard, an S3 PCI video card, an NCR
> 53C810 SCSI controller with a Quantum HD attached, a clone NE2000
> ethernet card, and a PAS 16 sound card with a CD-ROM attached.
> I've tried every BIOS and kernel configuration combination I can think
> of, including those concerning RAM parity checking, APM, and onboard IDE
> controllers. The problem happens with kernel versions 2.0.22 and 2.0.24.
> After finding messages in the linux-kernel archives from people with
> similar problems, I also installed versions 2.0.10 and 1.3.100, but the
> problem persisted.
> Does anyone know what could be causing these hangs?

I think it's a problem with the Cyrix chip. I had a similar problem with
a similar setup. The thing would just stop. I got both the motherboard
and the chip at the same time from the same vendor at a "Computer Show".
I brought __BOTH__ back and the vendor swaped the CPU. End of problem.

Check that the CPU cooler fan is running. To protect the chip, Cyrix stops
the CPU's internal clock if the temperature gets too high.

Dick Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
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Penguin : Linux version 2.1.7 on an i586 machine.
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.

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