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SubjectFwd: 2.0.24 - Apache Dies?
I haven't seen this mentioned here yet, so I thought I'd forward it
along. I haven't experienced the problem personally, but several
people have mentioned it on comp.os.linux.development.system.

---------- Forwarded message begins here ----------

From: (Inconnu)
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: 2.0.24 - Apache Dies?
Message-ID: <55hk50$>
References: <55fsmi$>

In article <55fsmi$>, Greg Boehnlein <> wrote:
->I've just compiled a fresh 2.0.24 kernel on two extremely high volume web
->servers and I'm noticing that after a while, the Apache server (1.1.1)
->crashes and burns.

Same here.

->All child servers die and a single server is left running that cannot be
->kill -9'ed, or destroyed in any other way than a reboot. This server ends
->up hogging the CPU.

Exactly the same problem we have-- we do a lot of development with the
server (testing out CGI perl programs) and it'll die within an hour;
no explanation in the log files.

->Does anyone have a fix for this? Is it something that I should patch in
->Apache? Or is this a kernel bug.

I orginally had a cron job go out and re-start the server every hour, but
it was a bad idea since the system may crash inbetween; I gave up and
put it under inetd and it works just fine (albeit SLOWLY)

->On a side note, on those machines running 2.0.24 netstat displays an
->inordinate amount of sockets in the CLOSE and CLOSE_WAIT states.

It always does that-- I noticed problems when I upgraded to 2.0.23 and it
still exists in 2.0.24
-- (

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