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Subject(fwd) Re: ACK_FIRST macro on i386, kernel 2.0.2x(ish)+
David Woodhouse ( wrote:

: Ever since about kernel 2.0.21, I think, I've had a problem compiling the
: kernel. It seems that include/asm-i386/irq.h defines a macro ACK_FIRST
: with two arguments - mask & nr - the latter one being unused.
: When arch/i386/kernel/irq.c tries to use this definition, it only gives
: the one argument, and the compiler reports an error.
: I have got round this ever since by changing the line in irq.c from
: ACK_FIRST(0x01) to ACK_FIRST(0x01, crap)

: Am I the only person to encounter this? It occurs even when I download

No - you just haven't been reading your newsgroups!

: and untar a completely new kernel source, so it's not the result of the
: changes I've done. Is it ever going to be fixed?

The situation has been discussed here. The problem arose
in 2.0.15 when the ACK_FIRST and ACK_SECOND definitions were changed to
take the extra nr parameter. There was no direct use made of these
macros but there is an expansion that 'becomes' one of them. It is
ACK_##chip(foo,nr) and the definition of chip changed at the same time
to also take nr as a parameter.

I don't understand these changes.

I also need to change an ACK_FIRST in irq.c (it comes from the pcsp
patches). I would like to know what I have to change it to. As reported
by someone else here, setting nr=0 just makes the hd produce chirps via
the PC sound driver. What should we set nr to in ACK_FIRST in order to
get the old behaviour?

: Also, while I'm already taking up the bandwidth - is the PC speaker
: driver going to be included in the standard kernel?

Aha. So that is your problem too!

Would someone mind telling me what nr is supposed to be in the new
ACK_FIRST? How about some _commentary_ in the code?

: David Woodhouse, (n)talk:

Peter T. Breuer
|Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas Telematicos, Universidad Politecnica
|de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicacion,
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