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SubjectRe: i386-ELF-xquake-1.06 (was Re: Strange 2.1.11 bug)

On 23-Nov-96 sveneric wrote:
You say the sound is off and that there is a second delay between the
>sound... Did you get the sound to work???

No, lemme clarify this: Sound worked, but, having played the DOS and
older Linux versions of the game, I noticed that there was approximately
a 1 second delay between an action (say firing, or jumping), and the sound
effect that corresponds to it. The sound effect was too late.

Also, upon further play testing, it's possible that some sounds are
choppy. But I could be mistaken.

>If so, could you clue me in as to how to do it?

I really didnt have to do anything special at all to get xquake to
produce sound. I just ran it.

Like I said: I'm running 2.1.12, with the Voxware/TASD/USS/OSS that
corresponds to that version ; SB16 (non-PnP), default IRQ/DMA/Address
values ; I also have a Waveblaster (General Midi), and OPL3 enabled,
but that doesnt effect this.

Mark Orr

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