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SubjectRe: EDO RAM

At 05:59 PM 11/13/96 -0600, Keith Rohrer wrote:
>Derrik Pates wrote:
>> Check your motherboard manual. I believe that some boards (not my Intel
>> Zappa, though) may need DIP switches/jumpers changed to properly use EDO

>Not the ASUS T2P4 either. Do other operating systems work at all? Does
>the bootup screen think the SIMMS are EDO? As I recall, the T2P4 bios
>autodetects EDO, so it can't be that the RAM is feeding data too fast...

Well, DOS worked and that's what bothered me. So I began thinking what the
difference between DOS and Linux' memory management.

Now the conclusion I came to (that seemed intuitive) was that perhaps,
maybe, yes? Linux allocates from the top down and DOS from bottom up. So I
rebooted the machine with a "mem=8m" and sure enough, Linux runs on it now.
Don't know if my original premise was true or not, but it led me to a
solution (I think).

I guess I have 1 bad 8M simm (I have 2x8MB SIMMS). Or my cache is broken :)
But I would like to believe it was 1 bad simm.... so new one on the way,

Nicholas J. Leon
"Elegance through Simplicity"

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