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SubjectLinux box finds it hard to wake up in the morning
I've heard of dogs being like their owners, but Linux boxen?

My users complain that telneting in first thing in the morning takes a very
long time (order of minutes). This morning, I actually saw it for myself.

Telnet was sat saying "Connected to fido.bfriars" but didn't get to the
login for a LONG time. When it did, after logging in, typing 'pine' also
made the machine sit for a long time. I killed pine, typed w - no-one else
logged onto the box. Load very low. (Maybe 0.02 or something) Tried free -
memory OK. Tried ps aux - nothing odd. Tried pine again - same symptoms -
justs sits. So then I tried strace pine - it did stick at a particular
system call, but this time only for a second, and I couldn't read which one
before the screen was cleared by pine. Now the computer is as responsive as
ever. Absolutely no problems.... mmmmmm

There's nothing in the logs. I really do not know what happened. I am using
2.0.22. I don't know if 2.0.23 will fix my problem - have compiled it, but
not rebooted.

I have a Pentium, EIDE hard disk, Intel EtherExpress PRO/10 ethernet card.

Can anyone see what might be causing this?

Yours in hope,


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