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Ok, I'm back, and I made a 2.1.6 release. I'll try to make a 2.0.24 release
later today, but quite frankly I had 1500+ emails to go through, and I want
to calm down a bit before making that release..

As usual, the patches and tar-files are available on

2.1.6 does:
- changed some implementation details of the user access macros on x86: it
seems my old inline assembly wasn't really 100% stable. That might have
led to unexpected problems (incorrect copying of memory etc). The new code
also does a first version of constant-size optimizations.
- new sound driver. I haven't actually tested whether it even compiles, but
hey, it can't be worse than 2.1.5 ;)
- updated ISDN code. Some of the code has been updated by yours truly (the
readb/membase stuff for the TELES driver) without having access to the
hardware or even compiling it, but as you all know I never make mistaeks,
so it will obviously work on the first try. It _might_ even work on
- math emulation should work again on 386's..
- SCC character driver rewritten to be a real network driver instead.
- getting rid of "segment.h" eventually..
- cdu31a should work with sound again
- aha2940 driver temporary disable to make it boot for some people
(please tell me if it still doesn't work for you)
- eata driver update
- and the big-ping patch, of course..

For obvious reasons (see about email above), I've been kind of busy and
haven't had time to check all the changes I made on an alpha yet. Testers

Also, if you have sent me patches and don't see them in 2.1.6, you can
more-or-less assume that I don't have them pending, but am hoping to have
them re-sent in the near future (but don't all flood me immediately, I'd
rather avoid having to go through 50 patches in one day).


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