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SubjectLoosening time namespace restrictions
I faced a problem with the current implementation of time ns while
using it for container migration. I'd like users of CLOCK_MONOTONIC to
notice as small of a jump as possible in the clock after migration,
since according to the documentation "this clock does not count time
that the system is suspended". In that case the formula for clock
monotonic offset is "m1_monotonic - m2_monotonic - migration_downtime"
where m<n>_monotonic is clock monotonic value on the n-th machine.
Unfortunately due to time ns restrictions, I have to set the offsets
before putting any process in the namespace. I also can't move
multithreaded processes between namespaces. So I would have to know
the migration downtime before the migration is close to done, which
seems impossible. For that reason I'd like to drop the requirement of
having to set the offsets before putting any processes in the
namespace. What do you think? Is it possible to implement this and get
it merged or should I forgo it? If you think it's possible, I'd
appreciate any pointers on how to get this done (or how to solve my
problem in another way).


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  Last update: 2023-09-22 00:22    [W:0.042 / U:0.092 seconds]
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